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Lift and Slide Windows (HS)

Lift and slide terrace windows areopened by slightly lifting and then sliding the sash. The maximum sash width is 3.3m and the frame width is 19m. Solid design allows for installation of a movable sash weighing up to 400 kg. Doors with a large surface area provide excellent daylight into rooms. Large glazed surfaces give a sense of space and enable contact with the building’s surroundings. Their additional advantage is low threshold which eliminates architectural barriers and effectively limits heat loss.

Lift and Slide Windows (HS)

  • opening through slight lifting and sliding of the sash
  • low threshold which eliminates architectural barriers
  • it can be even extended up to 19 m
  • a sliding sash can weigh as much as 400 kg!

Lift and slide terrace windows are available in the following systems:

PVC Systems

Wooden Systems

Wooden-aluminium systems

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